Pot Fillers are one of the newest and coolest innovations in faucet design. Lugging around pots full of water is the worst job in the kitchen, short of cleaning up, so why not install a separate faucet over the stove to eliminate those grueling trips from your family’s home? Pot filling faucets are built with multiple hinges, so they can swing out over any burner and be pushed back against the wall and out of the way when you are finished using them. While quickly filling large pots is their most common use, pot fillers can also simplify a number of tasks such as replenishing vases that have fresh flowers, filling your morning coffee pot, or loading up the humidifier tank. With hundreds of different brand, color, and style options, Henry Kitchen and Bath has the perfect pot filler to match your unique aesthetic and make your kitchen work better for you!
View All Pot FillersAt Henry Kitchen & Bath, our designers provide expert advice about which type of faucet is best for you and how to properly install it. While your sink will dictate to some extent how many features you can implement, there are many new faucet innovations you can select to improve the convenience and function of your kitchen. As faucet features have become more complex, however, so has their installation, so hiring an experienced professional is the best way to ensure that everything will run smoothly when you turn on the water using your new kitchen faucet. For your next kitchen remodeling or renovation project, choose Henry Kitchen & Bath - We can make your dreams come alive.